Home... Literature... Ref9: Hindu Right-Wing is an Oxymoron
An attempt to see the glorious and true face of Hinduism
Hindutwa is a political project, not a spiritual or religious rising.
It is based on a narrative of Hindu revival from years of supression. But it is based on
half-truths. And the opposition has not rallied together to offer counter arguments effectively
nullifying the propaganda. There are many downsides to this. Hinduism's reputation takes a hit,
there is discord in society, efficiency of the nation in various spheres of life drops, and most
of all, the true merits of the wisdom contined in the scriptures gets masked. A counter narrative
is necessary and it has to come from diverse constructive forces. This book compiles several
of these ideas which when strung together throws light on how perceptions are managed in the
pursuit of electoral victory. There is need for the nation to fight back. And once the mind
sees clearly, brave action will follow. The nation will see heroes rise.
Book Publisher: Self Published
Author: Nixon Fernando
No of Pages: 103
Price: $4.94
I.S.B.N: 9798877631977
Get your Paperback copy here
This Book is designed to support those who wish to clear the bad name Hinduism is getting
on account of the churning in politics... and who wish to beat the right-wingers at their own game.
Hinduism is a confluence of sub-religions. It constitutes a host of Guru parampars
that share a common scriptural ancestry. And deep in the wisdom contained in that
common scriptural substratum lies embedded the ability to identify a genuine prayer,
a genuine Guru, and a valid path to the divine. In effect, Hinduism can see the universality
of the divine in the diverse paths represented by different faiths. Hinduism therefore revels
in the unity experienced in the heights of spirituality. It does not matter how one gets there.
Therefore, Hinduism is a way of life that has no doubt that people of diverse faith systems
can co-exist, not just in tolerance of one another but rather in excellence, unity and in bliss.
A right-wing narrative, of any color, will seem harmonious with a particular path forward to the Divine, but it prevents the faithful, belonging to that very same path, from rising to excellence and bliss. That excellence and bliss is in turn the substance contained in spiritual unity. A right-wing narrative is therefore not genuinely representative of what Hinduism stands for. And it is a right-wing narrative that has taken centerstage in India as of today. And the outcome is there for all to see. The right-wing propaganda has as if taken the life out of togetherness in many groups, communities, and friendships across the country.
No religion has ever taught a kind of spirituality, which, in turn, is expected to generate hate and antagonism in fellow humans. And to think that much ill-will amongst Indians today, has risen based on religion, is indeed ironical—but not surprising.
It is not surprising because conflict based on religion invariably comes out of a political disposition. And that weaponization of religion in politics is effectively being used in India today to garner support in a democracy.
On its part, this right-wing has taken a vintage position in Indian society. Through government it is vested with the responsibility of taking decisions on the direction in which India must move. But in addition, it is driving perceptions about what the Hindu Civilization is all about, and this latter part is truly detrimental to society.
Its methodology is to promote ‘Hindutva’. Hindutva, on its part, is a political project and not a spiritual awakening. And it is this right-wing political agenda which is the cause of a potential emerging crisis. Such political projects are generally detrimental to the beauty and essence of religion itself.
Political projects, based on religious chauvinism, eventually impose hurdles in the development of nations. For example, it is not difficult to see how Sri Lanka and Pakistan could have done much better had they not gone the right-wing way. In fact, in a recent interview Mr. Ramchandra Gua argues that Sri Lanka had the potential to be an Asian tiger like Japan, Singapore, and Korea, and it missed that chance on account of its right-wing misadventure. And as of today, in the start of the 21st century, we Indians seem to be headed the Sri-Lanka way.
The RSS, its affiliates, and its sympathizers are the spear that is making the charge into right-wing chauvinism in India. The BJP, its political wing, is the spearhead and it oversees government in India today. And BJP’s eagerness to play the Hindutwa card, in the pursuit of electoral politics in the Indian democracy, is already hurting the nation in many ways including the great traditions and the humanism of Bharat Varsha.
There is no impending fatality for sure. Hinduism has sustained unbroken in this land for Millenia only because it has the in-built ability to bounce back from abuse and degradation. But it is taking a beating, and this generation needs to play its role in getting things on the right track.
And for this task it is most important to see, clearly, that the track being pursued by the ruling disposition is not something which the wisdom in the Indian civilization promotes, nor is it one that leads to overall wellbeing of everything a good nation stands for. It needs to be exposed for what it is and that should be done through the very wisdom that is being bypassed.
We know that when ‘sensible action’ is required to correct course, it must be preceded by ‘sensible thought’. The counter narrative in this handbook strives to point out at a thought process that is inspired by the best of ancient Indian thought, so that suitable action will follow.
The handbook is developed as a string of campaign points represented by its chapters. These points can be taken up by active agents on the field and have them placed before the citizens of the nation to correct perspectives. Many staunch supporters of the right-wing are indeed well meaning but they do not realize that what the right-wing propagates is a rip-off which does not do justice to Hinduism. And they too need to be sensitized. So, this handbook is a compilation of ideas that are mostly well known but put together in such a way that the overall picture becomes clear. The stake holders should be able to see through the strategy of the right-wing and realize that the right-wing undeservedly claims that it stands for the wellbeing of both Hinduism and India that is Bharat. The citizens should be able to see through the intellectual dodging and the double-games played by the right-wing to achieve its aims; how the right-wing is therefore running away with the claim of being the authentic representative of Hindu wisdom and traditions. These ideas in one place, can help to rally the people who wish to counter the right-wing onslaught.
In truth, Right-wing Hindu is an oxymoron. What is right-wing is not Hindu and Hinduism is what it is because it navigates free from being right-wing. The cunning among the right-wing know this fact and therefore they play all kinds of mind games to give the impression that it is rightfully at the center.
In a democracy it boils down to getting elected. The contesting parties usually use some narratives to win votes and get elected. Then, on being elected, the government gains the right to decide on behalf of the nation. These decisions in turn are directly linked with the narrative which the ruling party uses to win its elections. The fight back from the Indian civilization must therefore start at re-assessing the thoughts that facilitate this narrative of the right-wing and must identify the errors in reference to the wisdom of the ages. So where is the narrative of the ruling disposition headed? What is its strategy to gain and retain power? And whatever it may be, what is the counter narrative that needs to be reinforced to correct perceptions?
The ground strategy of the BJP, for its success in elections, is to position itself as the legitimate representative of the Hindus. Besides this, it has other strategies that contribute to its electoral success. “I studied how elections are won and have worked accordingly” said Mr. Modi immediately after his first victory at the national level. But securing the position as automatic (or real) representative of the Hindus, is BJP’s trump card. The party has used all the tricks in the propaganda war and has worked itself into the position of ‘BJP is Hindu and Hindu is BJP’—at least in the minds of the 35% odd voters who are BJP’s staunch supporters regardless of anything. It is a good example of consistent positioning.
But is the BJP a genuine representative of the great civilization’s wisdom and spirituality? Should Indian citizens, including the Hindus, agree to this assumed stance? For example: would Gandhiji or Swami Vivekananda have agreed that the right wing is the real representatives of the Hindus? Would Lord Rama himself accept this position of BJP (and of its mother and sister institutions) in the first place?
The right-wing falls at the first test of being Hindu, which is ‘universality’.
Surely the right-wing does claim that it is universal in outlook, just because it is Hindu. But the question to be asked is: are they Hindu because they are Universal, or do they only lay claim to the tag of being Universal because they are Hindu? What is the truth?
Let us keep slogans and lip service aside. In the enthusiasm for getting votes anybody who is unscrupulous can say anything. Instead of going by lip service one must check ‘actions’. The truth is that the actions of the right-wing tell a different story. The right-wing thrives on polarization—it succeeds by creating the “they-we” dichotomy based on religious label. How can a disposition that creates a “they-we” dichotomy be also universal at the same time? A little insight will show that it all depends on how we create the they-we dichotomy… The way the antagonists and the+ protagonists in the great epics of India define the they-we dichotomy are markedly different and that lesson needs to go though.
Those that care for the fair traditions of this ancient civilization must pick up the points in this counter narrative and explain to their fellow citizens what the true picture is. It is opportune that the centrist and secular political parties in the opposition must widely campaign on a person-to-person basis and through the available mass media till the faithful of Hinduism understand the games played. Irony is that the secular parties themselves should understand and realize the complete picture first. Some centrists seem almost apologetic, as they fall prey to the right-wing positioning. These centrists, though they are at the center, believe that they are leftists, atheists, or non-Hindus.
To summarize: The counter strategy of the opposition must be to deny this primary illusion created by the right-wing that Hindutwa is real Hinduism. And this must be worked upon by revealing the depth of Hindu wisdom itself.
The positive counter is to prove that Gandhiji and the Constitution of India are truly representative of the Hindu universal sentiment and represent real Hinduism. The Constitution of India, in fact, represents a genuine striving towards a real Hindu Rashtra.
Introduction -pg-i
1) Was Hinduism the Real Target of the Two-Part BBC Series?-pg-1
2) Is it ok to Have Mob-Led Illegal Demolitions and Encounter Deaths in Hindu Rashtra?-pg-4
... 3) What is More Important to Lord Rama, Upholding Dharma and Rule of Law or Claiming His Birthplace?-pg-7
4) Vasudaivakutambakam Asterisk (56% Discount)-pg-10
5) Vasudaivakutumbakkam Hindu Vs Clash of Civilizations Hindutwa-pg-12
6) Secularism and its Relevance to Hinduism and Vasudaivakutumbakkam-pg-17
7) Prominent Indian Muslim: “The Nation is Becoming Intolerant.”-pg-22
8) Claiming the Merits of The Indigenous Culture and Past Governments While Destroying it in the Normal Course-pg-29
9) Is India, that is Bharat, Finally Losing the Partition Narrative?-pg-33
10) Godse Killed Gandhi; Who is the Real Hindu Between the Two?-pg-39
11) Sawarkar Vs Gandhiji and the Brahminical Order-pg-42
12) As a Hindu, What Principles Should You Use, to Choose Your Side in a Battle?-pg-46
13) Why Should the Real Hindu Participate in Today’s Public Life?-pg-53
14) RSS is Fine but what if the Gyan Capsule is Adharma?-pg-57
15) The Staunch Supporters of Hindu Rashtra: Are You Searching for Privileges?-pg-63
16) Let us try to Visualize the ‘Speculated’ Hindu Rashtra-pg-69
17) Is Indian Constitution the Forerunner for a Global Constitution? Does it already promise the path to Vishwa Guru?-pg-72
A) The Uniform Civil Code is Anathema to Vasudaivakutumbakkam-pg-80
B) A Positive Vision for India: (Other Books by the Author)-pg-93
About The Author-pg-103
1 Was Hinduism the Real Target of the Two-Part BBC Series? Though the two part BBC series (which was banned in India) was focused on the happenings in Gujarat in 2002, the real objective of the series is, most likely, to target the then new Hindu PM of UK, to warn UK citizens of the potential dangers they could face—if at all—from someone that professes faith in Hinduism.
The work of the right wing, contrary to the belief that the prestige of the Hindu nation is rising in global circles due to its efforts, is having the opposite effect. The all-embracing and the outstanding character of Hinduism, seen in the works of Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi, is now being put to doubt.
Chapter 2 Is it ok to Have Mob-Led Illegal Demolitions And Encounter Deaths In Hindu Rashtra? Upholding the rule-of-law is a necessary condition in upholding Dharma.
Lord Krishna bent the rules (for the Highest cause) but never broke them.
... If those that hold power in this democracy themselves were to break the rule of law, then the average citizen would say: “if the king himself can break laws, then what is wrong if I break some laws that are inconvenient to me?” That would be the end of all law in the land; a sure way to destroy Dharma.
Chapter 3 What Is More Important to Lord Rama, Upholding Dharma and Rule Of Law Or Claiming His Birthplace? Would Lord Rama want possession of a few acres of land, which was his birthplace, at the cost of maintaining Dharma?
A temple dedicated to Lord Rama is a huge highlight in the consciousness of the nation, in such a case the authorities should have been scrupulous in always upholding the rule-of-law. The irony is that there were many solutions possible, but there has been great dragging of the feet to arrive at a solution. The reason is that if the problem was solved then the right-wing from both sides would not be able to benefit from it. So, it was ensured that a solution could not be arrived at easily.
Chapter 4 Vasudaivakutambakam Asterisk (56% Discount) The Hindu Right-wing says it believes in Vasudaivakutumbakkam. But 56% of the global population belong to the Abrahamic faiths. And the Hindutwawaadis exclude these fellow humans from their circle of world -is-one-family. So, they profess that the whole world is a family but in their actions they provide a 56% discount. This is basic proof that the Hindutwavaadis really don’t understand Hinduism.
Hindu Hridya Samrat has 56% discount in the size of his heart.
Chapter 5 Vasudaivakutumbakkam Hindu Vs Clash of Civilizations Hindutwa The clash of civilization theorist believes that a good Muslim must live in eternal conflict with a good Jew… and similarly a good Jew with a Good Christian… In other words, the theory propounds that when religions are successful, they should essentially live in conflict with each other.
The Vasudaivakutumbakam concept is that if a religion succeeds then it successfully raises its followers to the highest consciousness. In that high consciousness every fellow human is seen as part of a single family. So, a world with successful religions would be heaven on earth.
The right-wing Hindu ‘says’ he believes in Vasudaivakutumbakkam but in his ‘actions’ he clearly shows that the brand ‘Muslim’ must be targeted. There is something fundamentally un-Hindu in the Hindutwaadis.
Chapter 6 Secularism and Its Relevance to Hinduism And Vasudaivakutumbakkam Secularism is complex because it has three dimensions within it and politicians play games to keep the citizens confused on the matter.
One dimension is whether the ruler/ruling disposition/state is a believer, atheist, or an agnostic.
The other dimension is whether religion must be separated from state and the relative distance that must be maintained between the two.
The third dimension is whether one religion must be given preference over the other in a particular nation.
When there is clarity of views on the three dimensions independently, a lot of confusion is clarified.
In a democracy, the principle of majority is used for decision making. But in an ideal democracy, to avoid the danger of the ‘tyranny of the majority’, there are provisions for ‘minority’ rights. These provisions indicate that the framers of such a constitution are good democrats; it is mischievous to suggest that they are doing ‘appeasement’ politics. And such excellent democrats, though they make special provisions for the minorities, are essentially secularists.
Chapter 7 Prominent Indian Muslim: “The Nation Is Becoming Intolerant.” At partition in 1947, if the Right-wingers had their way, we Indians would have been a different nation. The accommodative nature of our present system is because the centrists held sway. A right-wing India would have been far less tolerant.
A shift has indeed happened at the turn of the 21st century. We have now moved away from Gandhian Hinduism and are headed towards Sawarkar Hindutwa. The shift is real.
When the right wingers are criticized for the increasing intolerance, they play a game… they cite the merits of Gandhian (original) Hinduism and the accommodative constitution of India and they say it represents the real nature of Hindus. Then there is the illusion they have worked in the background that they are real Hindus. By implication, Hindus—that is they themselves—cannot be criticized as they are naturally vasudaivakutumbakkam types. It takes time to wrap one’s mind around it… and that is why, there is scope for confusion, and that is why the game is played.
The truth is that there is indeed a shift. Things like lynching are being tolerated by those in power and it shows a definite shift towards Right-wing fanaticism (which is in turn not Hindu). Therefore, far from moving towards Hinduism, the present lot is taking India away from its high values.
Chapter 8 Claiming the Merits Of The Indigenous Culture and Past Governments While Destroying It In the Normal Course While the Right-wing is keen on pointing fingers that other nations are far more intolerant than India, and therefore sing praises of Hinduism, they simultaneously have taken charge of government and are affecting changes that will take us away from the very merits they are citing about our civilization.
But Hinduism will fight back as it has done many times in the past.
This is also the point at which the owners of the earlier disposition (Gandhian types) need to ponder and introspect as to how come they yielded the stage to the present group. Some correction is required.
The citizens of India must realize that in patronizing this new group, the old corruption in the system continues and in addition the nation must deal with the fire of communalism.
Chapter 9 Is India, That Is Bharat, Finally Losing the Partition Narrative? At independence there was a contrast in thinking between the right-wing and the centrists. Pakistan got right-wing thinking. India got a centrist inspiration in the driving seat.
India therefore took on to the Vasudaivakutumbakkam belief that we could live together as a family. The Pak team took on the belief that Hindus and Muslims could not live together and in this family one group at best would be good big brother to the others.
Are we letting go of the that thinking of the tall leaders of free India in this point in time (2024)?
In 1947 there were those who wanted a holy-land (paki-sthan) but did not have faith in the universality of Allah. In pursuit of Hindutwa’s Param Jhumla Hindu Rashtra, are we similarly showing less faith in vsudaivakutumbakkam?
The faith and belief in essence of unity in diversity—is being put into the backburner in India today. That is totally anti-Hindu.
Chapter 10 Godse Killed Gandhi; Who Is the Real Hindu Between the Two? The God of Gandhi, Gandhiji’s Lord Rama, was respected by the world; the God of Godse and the right-wing, Godse’s Rama, is now being looked down upon.
So, between Gandhiji and Godse, which of the two represents the true Lord Rama?
The ‘claim’ is that Godse did it for the sake of Hinduism. But an analysis of his actions and motives shows that he violated values and norms in Hinduism. He was primarily driven by Rajas and carried a huge ego; he did not consult with those that could be termed wise. So how could he be called Hindu?
Chapter 11 Sawarkar Vs Gandhiji and the Brahminical Order It was Gandhi who supported the Varnachala dharma in a debate between Sawarkar and Gandhiji and the reason seems to be that Gandhi understood better and realized the true strength of the core of Indian spirituality.
Emancipation of the lower classes is also possible only through the strengths offered by that core of Indian spirituality. And the best evidence for this comes from Aadi Shankara.
Finally what matters is how each person’s efforts translate on the ground. While efforts like reservation and Mandalization have not yielded results that can touch hearts, there is evidence that Gandhiji’s better insight is providing solutions which are having the desired effect.
A practical realization of an equitable society, even with the existence of caste, is Uralikanchan village in Maharashtra, where Gandhian principles applied by Manibhai Desai, a disciple of Mahatma Gandhi, has borne excellent results… “Castes exist but all of us sit equally in rows and dine as one in our public functions”, says the sarpanch of the village.
Chapter 12 As A Hindu, What Principles Should You Use, To Choose Your Side In A Battle? The call of Hinduism is to rise to Dharma and to fight for it. The right wing conveniently equates the term Dharma to religion and expects a person to fight for Hinduism. The call in the epics is indeed to uphold Dharma… but it is also against gathering people to fight based on labels. The dividing line between the contestants in the epics is right and wrong, not this tribe against that or this brand against that or this label against that. The villain in the epics seeks his support on the basis of labels. The heroes on the other hand call their people to fight for righteousness.
Chapter 13 Why Should The Real Hindu Participate In Today’s Public Life? The call is always for the establishment of Dharma. But it is not just related to religion. The call is for upholding rule-of-law in the present when we talk in equivalent terms. A Hindu warrior was called to act during the Mahabharata times because “when the queen of an empire is subjected to humiliation as in the case of Draupadi, in a palace hall full of the nation’s highest nobles, then what is the condition of the common woman on the street?”
The Hindu is expected to participate in public life today, therefore, to establish rule of democratic law.
It is in raising of one’s consciousness that one can contribute positively in public life, and it does not matter through which guru-Parampara that is achieved. But one must avoid ‘Jhund Babas’ and ‘Jhund netas’… these are the label-leaders who are out to divide, reinforce the respective egos, stamp your forehead with their ‘Jhund-identities’ and there by achieve their own individual and their Jhund aims. There is no question of rising of consciousness, in a true sense, amongst those who enhance label identities.
Chapter 14 RSS Is Fine But What If The Gyan Capsule Is Adharma? The RSS is not a spiritual organization. It is an organization meant to protect the interests of Hinduism. But Hinduism’s interest is in protecting all genuine faiths that lead people to the Highest Consciousness.
The activities of the RSS are well targeted in the service it renders during disasters, in upskilling the children in the shakas, in developing many physical attributes in them. But what if the knowledge that forms the basis of what is taught in the Shakas and the basis of the motive of the organization is Adharma? Should that not be looked into? If the end result is that the RSS is not condemning what lord Rama would otherwise have condemned, then is there not a reason for some correction.
Chapter 15 The Staunch Supporters Of Hindu Rashtra: Are You Searching For Privileges? Contrary to current perceptions about exalted status for some castes over others, the essence of Varnachala dharma is four castes rendering selfless service to one another and to society. The privilege in the Brahmin learning is in the humility to live on alms for instance. The Varnachala Dharma offers privilege of service, if at all, and that is what the ideal Hindu Rashtra would do.
A selfish intention cannot be the foundation of a Hindu Rashtra. It must be all-embracing and must anchor itself on equality among all humans.
it would be stupid to think that lord Rama would treat some of the citizens of his nation as ‘we’ and some others of the same nation as ‘they’. Lord Rama’s Hindu Rashtra, surely, would hold itself accountable equitably to ‘all’ Indian citizens. None of them second class or third class citizens…
Chapter 16 Let Us Try To Visualize The ‘Speculated’ Hindu Rashtra When one in the right-wing tries to define what the basic principles of Hindu Rashtra would be, he finds himself tied in all kinds or knots. It is when one gets down to the details that one realizes that it is after all just a Param Jhumla meant to target elections.
Chapter 17 The Latest And Biggest Constitution In The World: Is It A Forerunner For A Global Constitution? Is This Already The Hindu Constitution That Will Make Us Vishwa Guru? When we look at the principles that went into the setting up of the Indian constitution, the search for excellence that went into it, the aim to fit it for a diversity that almost mimics global diversity, we realize that the Indian Constitution does indeed pursue an ideal that can make it suitable for a global constitution. It is therefore probably the best amongst all constitutions from across the world for Vasudaivakutumbakkam. It is in building upon this constitution that the nation can realize a Hindu Rashtra.
A The Uniform Civil Code Is Anathema To Vasudaivakutumbakkam The aim of Uniform Civil Code is to homogenize. The Indian Constitution however tries to accommodate diversity … the movement is in two opposite directions. The enthusiasm for UCC is misplaced. Creation of an optional arrangement is not a problem though but imposing it will hurt basic Hindu ethos.
B A Positive Vision For India: (Other Books By The Author) Refer the Literature section of www.sinduland.com